autumn days

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy Music

Goodness me, oh my.  We are having such a dance party around here since we created our own mixed Happy CDs.  My children and I spent a few joyous days compiling our favorite FEEL GOOD music.  Our CDs include the Frozen Soundtrack, music by Jason Mraz, Happy by Pharrell Williams, Exactly by Amy Steinberg, It's a Beautiful World I See by Tim Myers, Silver Bells by Bing Crosby, Going to the Chapel by Dixie Cups, and more.

Now we listen to them endlessly in the car.  Car trips used to be stressful and worthy of lots of (my) teeth-grinding.  Now I am excited to get into my car for a mandatory trip.  Pop in the music and we come alive!  We dance, sing, smile, and laugh.  It's incredible how simple it is to change one rough spot in our routine into an enlivening one.  We've been excitedly sharing these CDs with beloved ones.  Our next Happy CD will soon be released, complete with Seasons of Love from the Rent soundtrack and a bit of yodeling (Hannah's newest interest).  We look forward to hearing your Happy CD.
Dancing with the wind

Staycation Sensation

My children spent the last two weeks free of an academic schedule for winter break.  True, we cancelled plans to see any beloved ones for the holidays and stay home with the stomach flu, though our time together has been delightful.

I've organized so many cupboards, closets, cabinets, and even places that don't begin with the letter C.  One of our highlights was waking up at 1 a.m. Christmas morning to wash bedding; as everyone was up, we opened a couple gifts.  My son Liam's quilt hasn't progressed much, though we've turned a friend's old t-shirts into handkerchiefs and crafted fabric bowls from smaller scraps.  New quilt squares were cut, ironed, and organized for days.  Art kits that sat dormant for months were finally enjoyed.  My children spent a little time on the computer playing academic games together.  They read, wrote, and assembled endlessly.  There was plenty of clean up time too.

Our little staycation felt more academically successful than our hours of struggle at the kitchen table.  While my family chooses the route of homeschooling with some adult-chosen academics, I now see the splendor of unschooling.  Thanks to my patient, creative children teaching me to find joy and love in each moment, our staycation became a sensation.  I just followed their lead and picked up pieces along the way.

The Unstuffing Pillow Project