autumn days

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

make it specific

Dear Hannah,

I have had all week to think of new ideas, but not much time to write about them.  It seems my life as a full-time mother of two (two month old and three year old) doesn't leave much space for typing.  Lists are the compact version of what I am thinking, so I will be making more lists.

I have now had a chance to read the No Impact Man book and watch the movie.  And I've had some thought-provoking conversations with friends about environmental issues.  It is such a relief to find others who want to talk about the same lower impact lifestyle.  With my new ideas and insights, what shall I do?  No Impact Man suggests volunteering with an environmental organization to increase our sense of purpose and community.  My friends have me thinking about writing about specific areas I am making change in my own home.  There are so many things to say and do and learn.  Where does one start with these ideas?  This is when I attempt to transition from broad to specific.  With a list.

Things to explore:
  1. children's activities
  2. food choices
  3. gift-giving and receiving
  4. sense of connection with neighbors
  5. environmental volunteer opportunities
    With love,
    your mama

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