autumn days

Monday, January 3, 2011

donating our extras

Dear Hannah,

We are so grateful to get all your clothing from your older cousin after she and three other girls have used it.  There is plenty of wonderful clothing we'll keep in case someday you're blessed with a sister.  Until then, we have so many extra clothes.  I got to wondering about people needing baby clothes, as I don't want to sell my fifth-time-around clothes on craigslist; I just want to give it away.  After volunteering in a women's shelter, I know they do amazing work and see a lot of children.  Those children may need clothes.  I've found they need NEW clothes.  We have some of those as well, as our loved ones bless us with more children's clothing than we can ever use.  I will research who can put our older clothing to good use.  But for now, I'll make a donation pile for the local women's shelter.  We have been so blessed with such abundance in our lives, it is nice to share what we have with others.  And the non-salvageable goods we can turn into rags and rugs and other creative goods.  Like eating a chicken, we don't want to waste anything.  Everything has a place and a purpose.

Much love,
your mama

clothing and household items for Clackamas Women's Services

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