Hannah has been working on her weather station, inspired by our friend Weatherman Jon. We've been keeping track on a calendar of precipitation, cloud formations, and wind. We can tell we're having a windy day when the wind actually blows over the wind sock. As the weather changes throughout the day, three year old Hannah likes to change the weather station calendar to reflect changes. At the end of February, we moved all the weather symbols into a bar graph and she spends some time each day counting how many days of rain and wind and sun we had in the month. She likes to tell others what weather we had the most (rain and dark clouds and not much wind) and which we had the least (sun, sun, sun). It is amazing how we can learn so many things from this little station. We've even found library books that teach us about different cloud formations. Our favorite is The Cloud Book by Tomie de Paola. We hope you enjoy the photos!
On windy days, our wind sock and pinwheels get knocked over. |
February's weather bar graph (we started mid-month) |
the blue print for the weather station from a preschool science book |
little pockets to hold the weather symbols |
drawing and coloring enough weather symbols to last all month |
This is weatherman Jon...she looks like an aspiring meteorologist! Keep up the good work Hannah!