Hannah and I finally found time to work on some homeschool book extensions. We started with The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats. Baby Liam was down for a nap and we had free hands for painting and cutting and strutting with our toes pointing out. We have been reading the Spanish edition of this book for the last couple years ago, and only recently incorporated the English book version and a Mandarin video. Here is a rough list of what we've included in our extensions of this favorite story.
Hannah's hypothesis on which containers will thaw first |
The container with no neck came out first. |
dipping bananas into melted white chocolate yields snowy fruit |
extra melted chocolate becomes nut bars |
- "Do you like snowy days? Why or why not?"
- mix primary colors to water color paint coffee filter snowflakes
- Don't Break the Ice game
- t-chart differences between summer and winter
- make a list of what Peter did in the snow
- pretend to do activities from book (climb mountain, slide down, throw and hit by snowballs, stuff snow into pockets, snow angel, walk with toes out or in or drag a stick, etc.
- illustrate My Little Book of Snow Words, read it to others
- make letters and numbers with (popsicle) sticks
- white sponge paint onto wax paper for a window pane
- child explains favorite part of story and why they love it
- draw a picture of and act out favorite part of story
- make a collage as bathroom floor (Hannah chose all shapes instead of just rectangles)
- trace (round objects) and cut circles to make snow people
- discuss real/non-fiction versus unreal/fiction
- melt white chocolate, dip fruits in to make it look like snow
- freeze water in variety of shaped containers, guess which one will thaw first and last, check them every 10 minutes as they melt
- throw some ice into a warm bath to see how fast it melts
- collect sticks outside, talk about their different sizes/colors/colors, then paint geometric shapes with them
- paint snow people onto construction paper, dry, decorate with colorful details
- play hot potato with a "snowball"
- put food coloring and water into spray bottles and write in the snow
- bean bag toss with "snowball" bean bags
- when it snows, make a snowman and let him melt, see what his puddle looks like, recreate the puddle by pouring some white glue onto wax paper and adding the detail pieces on top
- make a snow day scene with white chalk on blue construction paper
- dough snow people
- other story extensions:
- A Pocket for Corduroy by Don Freeman
- Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson
- Little Bear by Else Holmelund Minarik
- The Big Snow by Berta Hader
- The Mitten by Jan Brett
- All You Need for a Snowman by Alice Schertle
- The Biggest Snowman Ever by Stephen Kroll
- The Snowman by Raymond Briggs
- When It Starts to Snow by Phillis Gershator
- There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow by Lucille Colandro
primary color coffee filter snowflake painting |
Don't Break the Ice game, favorite scene of Peter in the bathtub |
observing water's change from liquid to solid to liquid to gas |
summer winter t-chart |
little snow words book and yet-to-be-cut coffee filter snowflakes |
mixing primary colors to make new colors |
bathroom floor collage for doll house bathroom |
snow people from traced circles |
white sponge painting onto wax paper for snowy window scene |
stuffing snow into her pockets like Peter |
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