autumn days

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Luscher Farm

Ladybug Girl Hannah walking to story time with Grandma

We've found an excellent alternative birthday party, free of gifts and full of free time with friends.  Luscher Farm has a wonderful story time each Wednesday in the summer, so we met our friends for stories, the children's garden tour, played a bit, and then took some time for cupcakes.  As with the Ladybug Girl and the Bug Squad book, each child had a chocolate cupcake with their own candle.  We sang and each child took their time blowing their candles.  Some children ate lunch at the farm, some saved lunch for home, and then the children went to work digging, exploring, running, finding edibles, and most of all using their imaginations.  This was such a special way to enjoy a birthday with our friends.  We look forward to spending more time at this awesome farm this fall.

Ladybug Girl and Bumblebee Boy enjoying stories

Liam exploring the farm on his own

friends at the farm

under the bean teepee

time to run free with friends

digging in the sand and dirt with a helpful ant (on left)

the fairy scare crow overlooking the children's garden

1 comment:

  1. It was a beautiful day and a perfect place for a birthday party! Thank you for inviting us!
