autumn days

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

garden evolution

My garden is constantly evolving, as am I.  Life is never stagnant or boring around here.  And I've never met a boring garden in my whole life.  A few months ago, I requested two loads of leaves from the city.  It took me three weeks and many babysitting hours just to move this enormous pile from my driveway to my backyard steps.  And now I am spending hours (and building muscles) putting the leaves in and around my garden boxes.  What a gardening adventure this has been!  I've pulled buckets of tiny weeds to add to my compost tea bin (garbage can full of weeds and water) that will later water our new crop.  I've also been out with the kids to root some blueberry and grape clippings.

Indoors on these colder wet days, I have been plotting my gardening tactics, making charts, checking seed inventory, and making a wish list of seeds.  (I'll ask friends if they want to trade seeds before I hit the store for new seeds.)  I'm reading more about indoor gardening, though I doubt my sunniest window gets enough sun to grow most edibles.  I dream of making teepees of pole beans, squash, peas, and cucumbers for my children (more great ideas in Sharon Lovejoy's Roots, Shoots, Bucket, and Boots and Sunflower Houses).  But where have I left space for potatoes?  Last year I attended an awesome gardening workshop with Growing Gardens.  The class gave me step-by-step directions on how to plan and plant my plot.  This year I am thrilled to be a volunteer for Growing Gardens (and for Portland Fruit Tree Project with the kids).  I also look forward to taking more of their classes.

In the meantime, I will continue filling in my gardening grids with names of delicious vegetables and fruits. I plan and hope for an abundance of edibles to fill my pantry and to share with friends, neighbors, and the Portland Fruit Tree Project.  I enjoy these last weeks of winter, looking forward to the growing season ahead, whiling away the time indoors and out with my children in anticipation of a glimmer of sun and vegetable sprouts.

last October's garden

garden plot before leaves in November

half the leaves in their new homes in February

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