My dear friend
Holly picked the most delicious Concord grapes last year from
Albeke Farms, so we headed out to pick our own this year. We three had such a fun morning picking grapes, basking in the sunlight, and picking out our favorite pumpkins. We ate all we could and then passed the rest on to friends. Our freezer has enough of our own homegrown grapes from last year, and Concords have seeds, so we didn't freeze any. Perhaps next year we'll get to Albeke Farms before the end of the season and will have enough for homemade grape juice! It's on the calendar, so we're planning for just that.
What do you do with your grapes?
picking some, eating some |
a glorious pumpkin |
my babes with their babes |
the picture that says it all |
"You're grape!" baskets for a couple friends |
Yay! I am happy you went to Albeke Farms! I have two different ways to make grape juice. One requires a steamer and is 100% juice and the other recipe has 1 cup grapes and 1/2 cup sugar in a quart jar filled with boiling water. Someday I would like to make grape jelly. I'm not a fan of the store-boughten stuff because that's what I had as a child, but I think homemade grape jelly would be delicious!