My children want to celebrate their soon-to-arrive little Ladybug Girl with a baby shower. (We love the story of
Ladybug Girl!) As we have everything we need for our new addition, we have chosen to share fun times and cupcakes at the park this summer. To celebrate my personal journey into mothering three children, my friends planned a blessingway.
A blessingway is an old Navajo ritual to celebrate a woman’s rite of passage into motherhood. It is a beautiful and unique way to honor the mother, spend time with her, share stories, debrief fears, and to instill confidence and strength. Typically each guest shares a blessing and a bead for a birthing bracelet.
Five women chose to join us for last night's blessingway. What a gift to have these strong, caring women take time out of their full lives to offer their love and support for my family and me. Each woman offered a blessing, a bead, and a small gift to place in each woman's blessing bag. When I begin labor with our little Ladybug Girl, these women will open their bags to reread the blessings and partake in the delights within. They will light the candle, eat the chocolate, drink the homegrown apple mint tea, apply soothing lip balm, giggle at the little charms and trinkets, and send their prayers my way to help with the transition. What a beautiful way to birth this baby into our world together. It is such a gift to feel the love of these women as they support me in raising my three precious children. I give the greatest of thanks for such a blessing.
Blessed rocks placed into a handmade bag at our blessingway |
Blessingway birthing necklace |
Eagerly awaiting the arrival of our little Ladybug Girl |
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