As our friends clean out their learning supplies, their trash becomes our academic treasure. What a gift that our learning tools come mainly from yard sales, friends, and my teacher resources. We supplement with a math and writing workbook for each child, along with extra classes in science, farming, piano, music, piano, spirituality, Mandarin, and participation in a classical model co-op. This is our curriculum. I keep track of the state standards met in the appropriate grade as we go through the year.
At the beginning of each week, I assemble a packet for Liam, while Hannah is responsible for creating her own. When the weekly packets are completed, each child gets to choose extra subjects to explore. We've been going through our social studies and science units with great joy. When the indoor learning is complete, we venture outside for sports, gardening, and a bit of everything under the sun. What a gift to have resources at our fingertips and to enjoy exploring together in our home.
Geology |
Geography |
Mathematics |
More mathematics |