When the interest strikes, we dig into our supplies to create whatever our hearts desire. We have a children's art cupboard and a mama-supervised art closet. Our supplies consist mostly of second hand unloved goods from friends. Their trash becomes our treasure. (We occasionally refill our basic paints.) Here are photos of some of our recent adventures.
Painted fairy houses and golden pig bank |
Weaving a square to shape into a baby glove |
Organizing weaving by color |
Cards, cards, and more cards |
A decorated cape that will eventually become a pillowcase or quilt |
Liam wrapping himself in paper "because it's fun!" |
Drawing a self-portrait on butcher paper (salvaged from a neighbor's work garbage) |
A paper rocket |
Celebrating Beethoven's birthday |
Coloring and creating puppets from an entire coloring book |
Painted and glittered cards |
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