autumn days

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Marshmallow Peep Science

When participating in the best Easter egg hunt ever, we ended up with many packages with marshmallow peeps.  I'm not a fan of eating them, nor of feeding them to my children, so we turned them into an engaging science experiment.  For my treats I mostly choose chocolate.  Steve Spangler's Sick Science videos have us hooked on thinking about the science all around us.  (Our favorite is the lightsaber project.)  We got excited about possible peep experiments by watching a few videos (one, two, three).  We filled small jars with liquids of our choice, made predictions for each jar, added peeps, and watched as they transformed.  My favorite was the hot water jar, as the peep completely disappeared.  We didn't like the rubbing alcohol jar as much, as the smell was so intense.  We talked about why different chemicals changed the peeps and how our predictions were similar to and different from the outcomes.  Here are some of our favorite photographs of our time as peepologists.

Preparing experiments

The hot water peep

Borax in hot water

Measuring and microwaving

Tasting a wee bit with experiments in the background

Hannah's personal experiment

Microwaving at 150 seconds

Microwaving at 180 seconds

Microwaving at 210 seconds, nearing burned and crispy completion

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