autumn days

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Kombucha Love

My good friend spontaneously handed me a jar of scoby for kombucha several years ago.  I had no idea what it was.  My body had been breaking out in hives for months from a "leaky gut".  I'd declined food sensitivity treatments because of their unjustifiable expense.  At home, after mixing and sampling my own kombucha, my hives entirely disappeared and have not returned.  Now I have one gallon of honey bush lavender green tea kombucha brewing and another jar crammed to the top with very happy extra scobies I share with anyone who expresses interest.  When cut into small pieces, chickens, cats, and dogs love the nutrient packed substance.  It is also nourishing for houseplants and gardens.  I somehow have kept all my scobies alive and provide new ones for my friends that cannot.

Kelsey Willard summarizes my love of the kombucha brew of champions well.  "Wanting to ward off those nasty lingering colds from this winter?  Maybe you are looking for an alternative to coffee &/or soft drinks?  Or maybe you are looking for a new choice of "juice" for your littles, instead of feeding them the pasteurized liquid sugar from the super market.  Whatever your reasonings may be, Kombucha deserves your attention and a try."

Our Simple Forgiving Delicious Kombucha Recipe
  • one gallon glass jar
  • green or black tea bags
  • non-stainless steal pot
  • glass bowl
  • one cup sugar
  • kombucha scoby
  • cloth
  • rubberband
  1. Pour out kombucha into glass containers, store in refrigerator.
  2. Leave scoby mother and a quart of juice in your gallon glass jar.
  3. Boil a gallon of water in pot (use no stainless steel with kombucha).
  4. Turn off stove.
  5. Pour half the hot water into a glass bowl and stir in 1 cup sugar.
  6. Place 5-6 green or black tea bags in pot (the one without sugar), add any tea flavoring you like, and let the tea steep 45 minutes.  (I use decaf green tea.)
  7. When cool enough, pour both liquids into scoby jar, leaving 1" space at top.
  8. Cover with cloth and secure with a rubber band.
  9. Let it all brew until you like the flavor, then repeat the recipe.  Time varies by temperature, size and number of scobies, and personal preference.
Kombucha love

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