autumn days

Monday, January 2, 2017

Uniquely Fine Balance

It seems like much of my life is rebalancing.  There are so many details on each end of the spectrum that require attention.  Like a teeter totter requiring constant readjustment.  My list of business tasks (finances, new home completion, home inspection, errands, phone plans, et cetera for infinity) feels so heavy that I am out of bed at 3:33am trying to capture them all on a list. 

Today is our last day of winter vacation together, a great treasure.  I am choosing to try to accomplish all I can in the dark hours of the morning so I get to focus more on playing with my children.  Playing board games, piecing together puzzles, trying out new stamp markers, painting, finishing that move we started last week, eating simple meals we prepare together joyfully, sitting down together for meals, exhaling. 

I can balance both ends, with a variety of adjustments.  In this day I am balancing responsibility and play.  We can run a couple quick errands (in pajamas) and get back to our home staycation.  My children can play while I am on the phone for a couple hours.  And then I can challenge them to twelve games of Blink or Bananagrams or Sorry.  Life is lived while we are making plans, in the moment, together.  I am thankful for the privilege of stretching in these ways and finding today's uniquely fine balance.

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