autumn days

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Preschool Joys

Goodness gracious, great balls of joy!  I so fully appreciate these days with my preschool son.  With young children, the days are long and the years are short, so I am constantly reminding myself to appreciate the little people in my home.  I love to see my son bubbling over with creativity, silly-ness, curiosity, unparalleled scissor-skills, and his excitement for the next adventure.  What a blessing it is to make the time to witness my beautiful boy in action (in balance with time for myself to write about these reflections).  Here are some of our latest preschooling adventures.

Building Trojan horse banks to start saving money

Standing on raw eggs without breaking them at family presentation night

Reading Llama Llama library books on his own

Berenstain Bear books with big sister

Banana Grams (like Scrabble) while camping

Cutting and gluing together animals (from my teaching days left overs)

Making and coloring with our own chalk (from a friend's old powdered tempera paint)

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