autumn days

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Heart of It

Oh, to get to the heart of it.  Easier said than done.  Choosing to be with a partner is a constant learning experience.  A relationship and lessons I choose again and again.  My beloved partner gets to see my best and my worst.  Often.  When there's a break in communication, someone has their feelings hurt again, for me it is a matter of intentionally pulling each other back together again to talk about what happened.  "Yes, thank you for sharing your point of view.  Here's mine."  Even after being with my partner for 16 years, through years of various healing therapies, and now being a healer myself, my defenses from an abusive childhood are still present.  I have come so far, yet life is a journey and we are always growing toward where we want to be.  My partner and I are both well-intentioned, wonderful people, though this relationship requires our constant intention.  The more we put into it, the more we feel the love grow.

My point is this.  Love one another.  Find forgiveness by seeing their perspective.  Play together, find ways to laugh, spend quality time together.  Without children or animals climbing on your body.  Remember the spark you held together in the beginning, the love you had for one another, the details of your exciting courtship.  Find that spark.  Follow your bliss with your partner.  Fall in love again.

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